Thursday, October 30, 2008


I definitely used to have set out views on politics.  I will admit that I was one of those people who liked republicans just because I was a Christian.  Now I have changed.  Now I am wondering if Christians really should be so in to politics.  I mean I have no problem with being excited with how the government works and all of that.  But should we really be expecting to get the kind of change that Christ wants to see through the avenue of politics?  Should we be labeling people as the “Matthew 25” president?  I really do not think so at all. 

Christ has called us to be the ones to be the change we want to see in the world.  He has called us to feed the hungry and to clothe the poor.  I honestly believe that we shouldn’t look to the government to do that.  Yes, they most certainly can help, but should we put our hope and trust in them? 

No, we should not.  As a follower of Christ our hope and trust should be placed in the hands of God.  We should be willing to do the things that Christ has called us to do.  If Christians actually lived out what they believed, and are told to do by Jesus himself, the world would see the change that presidential hopefuls claim they can bring. 

Yes, I do have my views on politics.  And I do believe in certain rights, and in certain ideologies.  But I will not look to a president to bring change.  Either republican or democrat.  They simply cannot bring about all that they promise. 

My vote is with Christ and what he has called us to do.  We are to do whatever necessary to bring the Kingdom to earth.  Yes, I will cast my vote for the next president of the USA, but I will not do it because I think that will bring about huge change in America.

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

Monday, October 20, 2008

What do you guys think of this?

This is a pretty long video.  But I wanna know what you think about this…

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I don’t know why…

We get into the circumstances that we do.  But I do know that we can learn from each of them.  As I have grown older in my life I have realized this more.  And I have also had less and less regrets as I learn to make wiser decisions.  But the truth is that life can hurt sometimes.  But I am one of those people who believes that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes this reason is because our choices have taken us there, but most of the time it’s because God wanted us to experience something.  I have always been a person who regrets some of the things I have done, but now I want to be one of those people who doesn’t have regrets. 

Throughout life we are faced with many different circumstances.  And for whatever reason we have the possibility of doing one thing or the next.  But like I said, I believe that all of this happened for a reason. 

I want to move on from my past.  I know this is really childish, but it’s what popped into my head:  It’s like on the Lion King when Simba gets all sad about his circumstances and mad at himself for being the “cause of his dad’s death.”  Even though he wasn’t in the end.  Simba couldn’t move on from that pain.  I don’t want to be the old Simba.  I want to be the Simba that was ready to be king.  I want to be ready for the circumstances in the here and now. 


I didn’t go down the path I wanted to 3 years ago.  And that left me in pain, just like Simba had been.  But now I have the chance to live for the moment…  God has something else in store.  And I’m hoping I can live for that, rather that live in the past and live in the happiness that I once had.  True happiness comes when we are in the center of God’s will.  I haven’t been for some time, I will freely admit that.  It’s time to turn over a new leaf. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh to be a monk…

This past weekend I had the privilege of going to up to Jerome, Idaho to stay at the Monastery of the Ascension with my Spiritual Formation class.  When I heard we were going to a monastery, I figured it would either be like one of those old stone castles or it would be like one of those old wooden churches from Europe.  It wasn’t really either.  It was actually more like a small catholic church with a conference center attached to it. 

But it was a great time up there.  Whether it was Father Norbert saying damn or the monk from Spain falling asleep before it was his turn to lead a chant, it was all great. 

I had the chance to think about my life for the last three years.  I am now a senior here at NNU and a lot has happened.  But my mind kept on travelling back to one place in time that happened two years and four days ago.  It was one of the best days of my life.  But I screwed it all up.  She meant a lot to me, and has never left my mind or my soul.  I miss you and would go back in a heartbeat. 

It was a good time of reflection.  I was thankful for the beauty of the countryside and for the rain that came down as I journal-ed.  I was able to look back and think about the good memories, and the bad.  The happy times and the sad. 

Those monks live an interesting life.  But it is one of great spiritual devotion.  In some ways I wish I could live like them, and have my devotion structured the way they do.  I learned so much from them.  Just because they do things differently doesn’t mean it’s wrong, in fact, what they do is extremely inspiring to me. 

There were some funny moments while I was up there.  Like Josh and his lady.  And like getting sprayed with Holy Water.  Like saying the wrong words in the services.  Like walking through the corn fields.  Like Matt’s knitting. 

Oh to be a monk…