A marathon. It is one of the greatest running events in the world. It’s also a sign of personal achievement and determination. Last fall I ran in the Kansas City Marathon. Last week I began training for the Nairobi Marathon 2011. The race will take place on October 31, 2011 through the streets of Nairobi. Running has slowly become a passion of mine over the last 10 years. Only recently did I begin to get “marathon” serious about it, however.
I now have just under three months till I depart for Kenya. Many people have already given generously to my cause, and I am thankful beyond words for their kindness and generosity in doing so. I also have a few “deputation services” lined up in the next few months which will also help to continue to show God’s provision in this journey back to Africa. Good grades have also provided some vital scholarships for school fees while I take classes from Nazarene Theological Seminary online whilst in Kenya. But, the bottom line is that I am still in desperate need of continued support from family and friends.
A marathon is 42 kilometers. I have a challenge for you. If 42 people pledge $100, or in other words if 42 people sponsor a kilometer of the race, I will have a good chunk of my remaining funds raised for Kenya. You can feel free to sponsor more than one kilometer if you like. One question: Will you team with Roland and take him to Kenya? Whatever you feel led to do, please see the below information on how to support my trip to Kenya.
Tuition Expenses
Tuition expenses for the 2011-2012 academic year will be roughly $9,000. Support for tuition expenses is tax-deductible. While living here in Kansas City, I have a job to help pay for tuition, but as I go to Kenya, I won’t have a job, I will be doing mission work and studying full time. If you’d like to help with Roland’s tuition funds please send monies to:
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Attn: D. Martin Butler
1700 East Meyer Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64131
Make sure to place “365m Scholarship: KENYA” on the memo line.
Non-Tuition Expenses
This includes everything from travel costs to Kenya, insurance, room and board, etc. The average flight to Kenya from Kansas City comes in at around $2100. If you’d like to help with Roland’s non-tuition expenses, please send monies to:
Nazarene Global Ministry Center
Attn: Molly Cole
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, KS 66220
Make sure to place “ROLAND TEDDER 365M KENYA” on the memo line.
Those who are part of the Church of the Nazarene will receive mission giving credit for their local church for funds donated towards Roland’s non-tuition expenses.
Online Giving
The 365 program is teamed up with Nazarene Mission Corps. You can check out my Nazarene Mission Corps website at http://web.nazarene.org/goto/rolandgoestokenya