Family and Friends,
Starting September 2011, I will be investing a year at Africa Nazarene University (ANU) in Kenya, just outside Nairobi. You are invited to “go along with me” on this jo
urney of faith!
Each journey begins with a single step that eventually leads to a divergent point. My life journey continues with my most recent divergent point coming in the form of a letter from Nazarene Theological Seminary (NTS), saying “Congratulations, you have been accepted to Kenya.” NTS in Kansas City, Missouri, is where I have been pursuing a Master of Divinity degree. It offers a program called 365M in which NTS students are sent to countries all over the world to minister and be educated in a cross-cultural setting.
Last year I was approached about joining the 365M program going to Ireland. While that would have been a fantastic experience, I hadn’t been released from my life and studies in Kansas City just yet. However, when the opportunity for Kenya opened, I applied. It was really a “no brainer” for me since I am a dual citizen between the U.S. and South Africa. I also went to boarding school for four years at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya, an hour away from Africa Nazarene University.
While I had my heart set on going to Kenya, I needed to make sure it was God’s desire as well. For several weeks I prayed for God’s leadership. One afternoon I was reading in the Gospel of Luke. I had been taking a class on Luke at the seminary where we were discussing God’s hospitality. The God we serve is a God who practices hospitality with his creation. His Son Jesus replicated this hospitality as well. Now, it is our turn to be sent out to show hospitality to others, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus sent out his disciples—whether they were ready for their mission
or not, whether they had materials to take with them or not. That afternoon, I knew that I, too, was being sent. Like it says in Luke 9:62, I can’t look back, for if I do, I am unfit for the Kingdom of God.
My assignment in Kenya will be:
--Teaching (both at ANU and via extension education in rural areas)
--Ministering in Ongata Rongai, Nairobi and other areas
--Building relationships with local students
--Ministering under Dr. Rod Reed, the deputy vice-chancellor at the university
--Taking online classes from NTS
--Embarking on many other journeys
I ask you, as I begin this new journey to Kenya, to partner with me in prayer. Prayer is a vital part of ministry and I feel strongly about it. My prayer is that the people of K
enya will be open and willing to hear the gospel through our friendship, testimonies, and shared experiences. So please be praying for God’s work already being done in Kenya and our work that lies ahead. Please pray for me as I prepare for this journey that will help shape the rest of my life. During my time overseas, I will be updating a website that you can follow at http://web.me.com/roland.tedder. If you prefer to go directly to the blog, check out http://web.me.com/roland.tedder/Roland Goes to Kenya/Blog/Blog.html. There will be pictures and weekly updates about the ministry being done in Ongata Rongai and beyond.
Not only would I seek your prayers, but your financial support if you feel led. Since I will be living overseas and will not be able to work at a paying job, I need to raise money for my year-long ministry by August 15, 2011. May I ask you to pray about financially investing in my overseas ministry. The cost of this journey is over $10,000 for the entire year. My previous life steps confirm God takes care of me—always. I am extremely grateful to, and blessed by, those whom God has prompted to support me financially. Thank you in advance for your contributions of prayer and financial support for my endeavor in Kenya. They will be thankfully accepted and wisely employed.
If you feel led to financially support my journey to Kenya, please choose from the contribution channels listed below.

Grace and Peace,
Roland Jerry Tedder
If you feel led to financially support my journey to Kenya, please use the following contribution details:
TUITION EXPENSES – for the 2011-2012 academic year will be roughly $9,000. Support for tuition expenses is tax-deductible and can be sent to:
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Attn: D. Martin Butler
1700 East Meyer Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64131
Be sure to designate “365M Scholarship: KENYA”
NON-TUITION EXPENSES—includes everything from travel costs to Kenya, insurance, room and board, etc. The average flight to Kenya from Kansas City is around $1700. Monies for these expenses may be sent to:
Nazarene Global Ministry Center
Attn.: Molly Cole
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, KS 66110
Be sure to designate “ROLAND TEDDER 365M KENYA”
Those who are part of the church of the Nazarene will receive mission-giving credit for their local church for funds donated toward these expenses.
The 365M program is teamed together with Nazarene Mission Corps. You can check out my Nazarene Mission Corps website which has information on how to support me online at http://web.nazarene.org/goto/rolandgoestokenya.
My goal is to keep in contact with as many people as possible who want to know my steps since I believe God is pointing me toward full-time ministry overseas. My 365M steps are a big part of that journey. If you would like to be placed on an email list to get updates from my adventure, please email me at roland.tedder@gmail.com. Please let me know how you would like to keep up with my life steps in the journey God has placed me on for Him.